Spotlight Education

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Reporting from CALSA

Last week we attended the annual conference of CALSA, the California Association of Latino Superintendents and Administrators. Here are a few of our takeaways:

  • These administrators care deeply about equity. Entire sessions were devoted to equity, social justice and closing the achievement gap.
  • Districts of all sizes face equity challenges. From some of the largest urban systems in the state, to tiny districts in rural California, administrators are concerned about the divide between high-performing and low-performing students.
  • The causes of that gap are many and varied, but the administrators we spoke with agree that one factor is differing levels of parent engagement. Parents who speak English, can get to school during the day, or just know how to navigate the education system are equipped to support their students, but we make it very hard for all other parents to gain the knowledge to do so.
  • It's not just about Spanish! Even these Latino administrators spoke of the need to communicate with all students' families, whether they speak English, or Spanish -- or Tagalog, Khmer, Arabic or Farsi.

We're very happy to have made new contacts -- and friends -- among this group of committed, generous educators. Thanks CALSA!