Spotlight Education

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Sports or Education?

We've seen that question posed typically as a funding decision: Should cities allocate hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayers' money to a new football stadium, or reserve those funds for vital civic services -- including schooling? 

We'd rather not wade into that tricky debate. But the question does illustrate our at-times odd prioritization of sports over education.

Consider using technology to turn data into easy-to-understand, even entertaining prose: This article was written in 2014 -- seven years after Automated Insights started turning sports data into articles, and right about the time Spotlight started doing the same for education. 

That's right: you could read auto-generated articles about your fantasy team's performance last Sunday long before you could read auto-generated articles about your child's actual performance last semester. 

We're working hard to catch education up to sports: Now you can view a personalized video -- in your home language -- about your child's experience in school -- or even about the schools in your neighborhood.

Still: that does make you wonder.