Spotlight Education

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Validation of VRT's Appeal (and Effectiveness)

Recently we wrote that Spotlight's Video Reporting Technology isn't anything to be afraid of -- that this new means of engaging and informing students and parents poses less data security risk than traditional means.

But at Spotlight, we're not just taking a "do no harm" approach; we're working to "do some good" as well, and it turns out we're doing just that.

Leading education research organization WestEd recently completed a study of our Video Report Card, interviewing and speaking with hundreds of Oakland Unified School District parents, and the results were overwhelmingly positive, including the following:

  • Over 80% of all parents – and 88% of non-English speaking parents – responded that the VRC helped them better understand how their children are performing in school.

  • 78% of all parents – and 90% of non-English speaking parents – reported speaking with their children after viewing the VRC.

  • 70% of English-speaking parents stated that they are more likely to speak with their child’s teacher after viewing the VRC.

  • 86% of non-English speaking parents reported that they are more likely to speak with their child’s teacher.

  • 80% of all parents – and 85% of non-English speakers – responded that every parent should receive Video Report Cards.

    The kicker? This study focused on one of our earliest video reporting applications. We've learned -- and improved -- a great deal since then!

As schools and districts seek to engage parents of all backgrounds, knowing that parent participation is a research-proven aspect of effective schooling, we're thrilled be be playing a role in closing the "information gap" that lies between traditionally-engaged parents and those for whom conventional tools aren't effective. 

In fact, we're pretty sure that within the next decade, we'll all be saying to each other, "Remember when report cards were on pieces of paper -- not talking to us personally?"